Daisypath Wedding tickers

Thursday, December 9, 2010

♥ Smitten ♥

I am scheduled go home for more than 2 weeks on the 16th. Jay and I agreed that I will stay at their place from December 16 - 22 because we need to meet some of our suppliers, and we're still on the lookout for other stuffs that are not yet in our 'We-already-have' list. Then I'll be spending my christmas with my family in Quirino and  be back to Manila on the 31st to welcome the new year with him. I totally understand that he can't come with me because Christmas is traditionally spending it with our own families. He is also set to fly to Iloilo to attend a wedding of his relative after christmas so I already prepared myself  to tell my mom about the wedding plans alone. But what made me upset was he filed a leave from his company starting on the 20th onwards. I asked him to move it on the 16th because he didn't have to file leaves on the 22nd - 27th because on that period I'll be in my home province. He just told me he'll re-check his schedules. 

 Until one blurry day we were arguing about some stuffs. We were both fuming at that moment so we came to blows. Then suddenly he told me that he'll be taking a vacation leave on the 20th onwards on a purpose because he will come to spend the christmas with me and personally tell mama about the plan.

I was really surprised and overwhelmed. I didn't realize I was already crying. 

This man always sweeps me off my feet. I so love him..♥

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